I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.---1 Samuel 1:27

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bump in the Road

Well, we are on that high for a day and then shot down when we found out we had paperwork that was out of date. GREAT! I had a major freak out day, and now I am okay. Julie is an amazing counselor! In May, when our Dossier was sent to Regional Office we did the whole paper thing. We were expected to leave at any time. We completed our fingerprints for the I-600 down in West Palm Beach. I thought that was for the extension. The main office was thinking we didn't need the extension because we were in Regional Office and should have had the baby well before Christmas. Anyhow, we now have to redo all paperwork again Homestudy, fingerprints locally and for the I-800A. We were told once the the I800A gets filed, it will probablly takes 3 months. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't even tell you how frustrated we are.


Erin said...

I'm so sorry. I will pray that it will take less than 3 months! You have certainly waited long enough!

Elizabeth and Joe Chambers said...

That's terrible! I'm so very sorry to hear about your delay. We'll be praying for you--hopefully it won't take that long.

Nicole said...

After your adoption is all said and done. You are going to be able to look back and see God's hand in this. I promise. Your family has had to jump so many hoops. Obviously, you both are going to be pros in the patience department!!! Don't loose sight of the finish line. You are almost there!!! There has to be something special about this child that you are bringing to your family. Look how long it has taken to him. Really praying for you guys. Go to my blog and look at the post about our CIS approval. There is a link to another blog that helped me out. We were in the same boat and waiting for our approval, too.

Kimberly said...

I can't imagine your disappointment and frustration. I will be praying for you as you continue toward bringing your child home.


I think Nicole said it best, you will see God's hand in every delay and Bump. Everything has to happen according to His plan. What a special gift He has for you, YOUR child.

Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Hang in there! You have almost made it to the mountain top! And then some of these bumps and detours will make more sense as you do see how God orchestrated it all... For instance, if your dossier had remained in Bogota, would you have the little boy or girl that you soon will have? NO! You and your husband have been chosen for a specific child. Hang in there, b/c those things in which you have prayed...well, they are about to come to pass! Get ready! We will be praying for you as well as we too know it can get frustrating when we can't see the whole picture in our own lives.

I saw on your side bar where you have written Paper Pregnant 3 yrs 7 mos... I am praying that once "the water breaks" that you have a "quick delivery" and things move in an expeditious manner...and you will be in and out of Colombia in record time! (Of course, you may want to stay longer and enjoy the culture)

The Jensen Family said...

I finally found the link to your blog and tried to get updated by reading. So sorry about this little prolongment. Trust that there is a reason that is has happened. We have very close family friends who have gone to Cucata twice to adopt a total of four kids. (All siblings.) If interested, let me know. I can give you their e-mail address if you have questions.


The Jensen Family said...

Rhonda~If you can e-mail me at tamorg@sbcglobal.net, I will forward your e-mail address on to our friends who adopted from Cucata!


Genece said...

Wow, movement at least, but what an interesting journey you're still on! Your baby's out there waiting somewhere! Cucuta is where we went to get our children and we spent several weeks there in Dec. of 2007. Very hot and humid, but then probably very close to your normal temps. (We came from Alaska mid-winter so the weather zapped us.) I'd love to answer any of your questions or tell you more about Cucuta. Feel free to email me at genece19@yahoo.com

Praying all the paperwork comes together and the referral call comes very soon!