We have been going to the beach often
since we have been home. Mya loves it.
She loves playing with her family and
running in the sand. She is so good about
picking seashells and putting them in her
She doesn't even care if the wave knocks
her down. We have to keep all eyes on
this one.
Mya is doing so well. We are growing
closer all the time. She lets us snuggle and
rock her so much more. She is doing really
well with talking. She now imitates a lot
of words and says a few independently ie.
bye-bye, down, hey, uh-oh, cat, duck, dog, drink
mama, dada, and a few other family members
We are beginning the post adoption requirement
paperwork. We have received her Citizenship
paperwork a few days ago. I really haven't looked
at a lot of this stuff because I am just caught up in
relaxing with her. I can see how people miss their
We are waiting to hear from our lawyer here to
complete our readoption. I will fill you in more
when I educate myself a little more.
As many of you know, we have been trying to contact
Mya's foster family. They gave us emails and were a
little upset that we wouldn't contact them while in the
country and didn't stop to see them at the park. Well,
they have responded and seem to be okay with everything.
This is such a huge weight off my chest. I really wanted to
keep in contact with them. I enjoy sending them pics of Mya and
they also have sent us some pictures of her when she was younger.
I am such a picture person, so this is helping me to not
grieve the time we missed with her so much.
I can't even express to you how blessed we are. God has had
his hand in every part of this adoption. Even though I did
not see it, he knew exactly the perfect fit and time for our family. I feel
like we have had Mya her whole life. It doesn't seem as though
we only have had her for a couple of months. She knows without
a doubt that we are her family. It is such a great feeling. I just
pray that God continues to keep his hands on our family. I can't
imagine life without God being the one in control.