I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.---1 Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hold that Smile

I am going to attempt to be as positive as possible during this post. Today has been a trying day, and I am having a hard time finding the lesson that God wants to show me. Basically we were expecting to travel in the next 2 weeks. Now, it is looking like 2-3 months. With the new application I-800 also came more changes. We just found this out today which is adding to our frustration.

Once our I-800 is approved (application specifically for our child), we apply for a Visa for our little girl. Without you reading bla bla bla, basically C*lombia reviews everything again (takes around 30 days). They give us approval (again) and then we write ANOTHER acceptance letter with our travel dates. We then wait for C*lombia to finish paperwork (3-4 weeks).

We don't understand this. I have an easier time understanding the Visa part even though it stinks. I can't wrap my head around and additional 3-4 weeks to prepare for us to come. WE ARE COMING!!!! I just want to scream that "Get ready NOW." It's hard when you see other families going so quickly even with the I-800 process. Why are we getting held up.

Tomorrow will be a better day and we will have more understanding I'm sure. Until then we go to bed with our hearts aching.

Please pray for our understanding and every ones hands that touch our paperwork. I pray that they see more than papers, but a beautiful little girl that is desperate for a family.


Nicole said...

It just seems like it's one thing or another. Seriously, we all need to start praying for you. Should it really take that long? I mean, you've sent the acceptance letter right?

Are you on facebook? We're all (parents) on there. So, we could you know...talk on there about all this stuff.

Jenn said...

Praying for you.

Shaunesi Maxwell said...

You are in our prayers, know that God is working for you and he is with you onthis journey. I know the waiting is hard but it will all be worth it in the end. We love you very much and we are praying hard!!

shawn and steph said...

I've been reading your blog for a while and just wanted to offer some encouragement. My husband and I also had delays last fall while trying to get to Colombia and our new daughter. We would think we were on the last step and then something else would need to happen before we could go. Keep praying and preparing...once you get the ok to travel things happen really fast! And once you meet your daughter (at least for us) - we quickly forgot about all the heartache and delays of getting to her.

My biggest advice is to just keep making phone calls and get the names of the people you talk to. My husband and I were on a first name basis with people at USCIS and the National Visa Center. As much as we want to believe people understand the urgency involved with adoptions...to most people it is just a job that needs to get done. Frequent, gentle reminders can make a big difference.

Check out our blog (stephandshawn.blogspot.com) to see our timeline as well as our posts during this difficult time and feel free to email me if you have any questions. (stephandshawn@comcast.net).

Sorry for the long comment. Your family is in our prayers.


The Jensen Family said...

So sorry to hear that things are being delayed. How disappointing! I'll say a few extra prayers for everything to get into the hands of hte right people so that things move quicker.
