I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.---1 Samuel 1:27

Friday, June 12, 2009


We got a call last night to let us know that we would have
Integracion today. This is when we get full custody of
Mya Michelle. We didn't have a translator today, but we
got most of what was said.

They asked us about the bite on her face. We explained
that she was given to us with the bite. I thought that was
strange. She fell last night on the step. We are so glad she
didn't have a bruise on her face because it was red last night.
They asked us if we were happy with her and if she was
bonding with us. I was glad that she gave us kisses in front
of them and played with us during the meeting. She didn't
want to go to the lady. She only wanted us. That was good for
us. Usually kids acto the opposite of what you want them to.

The lady at ICBF is going to work tomorrow which is Saturday to
finish the paperwork for our Attorney. This is great because
Monday is a holiday here. Pampolona will recieve paperwork from
our Attorney on Tuesday. We will know on Tuesday if we are in
a good court or bad court. This just means fast or slow. So please
pray for a GREAT court.

Pray for the lady in yellow. We didn't get her name or
remember anyway. She will be working hard for us. The
guy in the yellow is the Doctor. We were introduced to
him. I didn't even know he was a Doctor until Justin just
now told me. I don't know what I am going to do when he
leaves. I can only understand the conversation when I ask
the questions. Even then, I really don't have a clue. Oh well,
pray about that too:)

This is Mercedes, our Attorney. Keep her in your prayers
as well. The last couple of days when we have been on the
streets I have started to "Prayer Walk." I was told to do
this this past Christmas by one of Justin's Cousins husband.
His name is Elvis. He does a lot of Missonary work. Anyway,
I was telling our Bible study about it. Basically you pray for
people when you see them and just lift them up. It is amazing!
This country, the people, need our prayers.

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